Exercise 15 Instructions:

  1. open xd
  2. create a new artboard that is 1000px by 1000px
  3. use square tool to create a square that is 700px by 700px
  4. center your square to the middle of the artboard
  5. change the color of your square to red
  6. next, use circle tool to create a circle that is 600px by 600px
  7. center your circle to the middle of the previous square on artboard
  8. change the color of your circle to blue
  9. next, use triangle tool to create a triangle that is width 500px by height 400px
  10. center your triangle to the middle of the previous circle on artboard
  11. change the color of your triangle to yellow
  12. next, use square tool to create a square that is 200px by 200px
  13. center your square to the middle of the previous triangle on artboard
  14. change the color of your square to the same red as the first square you drew.
  15. export as a png
  16. email image file to mtang2@gmu.edu

The final drawing:

final drawing

My interpretation of Natalie Amoateng's instructions:

my interpretation of other student's instructions